Conflict Cup Coffee Company (CCCC) is a Veteran-owned, family-run business based in Dayton, Ohio. CCCC specializes in roasting kick-ass coffee sourced from areas impacted by conflict. We roast in small batches bringing some of the lesser-known coffee-producing countries to your cup. CCCC focuses on more than producing vibrant and complex coffee, we also focus on donating to charities that assist our Veterans, First Responders (aka HEROES), and those living in areas impacted by conflict.

A little bit of backstory on the name and how CCCC started. The idea of a coffee roasting company started when I was deployed overseas. During one of my deployments, I was enjoying a very fine cup of coffee from Yemen and it made me think of how much effort and dedication it had taken the farmers to get those beans from the mountains of Yemen to the processing facility, to the market and finally on a ship to go overseas. We had a lot of conversations at work about how much conflict the coffee producers had fought through to get their beans on the market. I have increased my aperture on the subject and researched the topic of “conflict & coffee” finding 10 of the 14 leading coffee-producing countries are plagued by landmines and other remnants of war. On a larger scale, past or ongoing conflict in coffee-growing regions means farmers leave the industry, farmland goes uncultivated, coffee goes unpicked, and coffee simply doesn’t make it to market. When you raise a cup of Conflict Cup Coffee to your mouth, take a second and think about the story behind the coffee you are about to enjoy.